
What is Search Engine Optimization?


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art of making a website achieve a higher position in a search engine when searchers type in their queries. The most significant difference between paid search and organic search is a CPC bidding model influences sponsored results.

Any advertiser can almost always ensure their advertisement is displayed at the top of a sponsored result set by spending enough money. On the other hand, organic search does not use a bidding model (or any monetary model) to determine which results are shown to a searcher.

SEO Competitor Analysis Tools: An Overview:

Having a clear idea about their content, search rankings, keyword targeting, and social buzz can help you decide your digital strategy and changes that may be required.

Here, we have focused on the best SEO tools you can use to monitor your competitors’ SEO activity online. Make sure to have these tools at hand to get an edge in this digital war. Organic search results are displayed using an algorithm based on a website's quality and cannot be influenced by money. Therefore, improve a website‘s ranking in organic search results, there are four key areas to consider:

1. Keyword research

2. Page optimization

3. Link building

4. Monitoring and reporting

The first step in using the SEO competitor analysis toolis to identify your real online competitors. Remember this...through comparing these competitor sites, you should be able to identify why some are doing well and where you have opportunities to improve.

The analysis of your competitor sites can be split into on-site and off-site analyses.

Now that you have identified the actual competition, you need to get a baseline. Run a ranking check for each search engine for all applicable search terms: your SEO keywords and phrases for competitive research.

You would typically check the rankings for the competition in Google, Bing, and Yahoo, and maybe some engines used specifically in your country or industry.

Some of the proper SEO Competitor Analysis Tools are:

  • Google Trends
  • Social Mention
  • SimilarWeb
  • BuzzSumo
  • SpyFu
  • Crayon
  • Ubersuggest
  • SEMrush


As part of your competitive Intelligence Strategy and effective utilization of SEO Competitor Analysis tools, you need to identify the competitors for each applicable search phrase (your competitors may be different be search phrases). The first things you need to look at are the on-site factors. These contribute to the rankings awarded to each search phrase by the search engines.

While performing SEO competitive analysis, make sure to always include your site in all queries.

Your current organic search strategy appears to be dominating your nearby competition. However, our tests did reveal that you may not be ranking high enough for some of your critical keyword phrases that can provide significant web traffic to your website.

Being found in the search engines for many keyword phrases is critical and must become a continuous task within your online marketing strategy.

WeCodeFuture specializes in Adaptive SEO, a comprehensive approach to search engine optimization, and the many tactics needed to rank naturally and highly in the search engines today.

We recommend that a deeper analysis of your keywords takes place, coupled with a strategic content marketing strategy to develop additional valuable content for website visitors and search engines to index.

The long-term goal would be to rank well for an increasing number of targeted keywords on the 1st pages of the search engines.

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